Sunday, November 16, 2008


This recipe is from Kristanne Willden

2 cups light corn syrup 2 cup evaporated milk
2 cups sugar 1 cube of butter - cut up
1 tsp salt 1 tsp vanilla

Mix the sugar, syrup and salt.  Bring to a roaring boil over med-high to high, stirring occasionally.  Let the mixture boil until it becomes thicker and slightly caramel colored.  Then add the milk and the butter alternately never letting the mixture stop boiling.  Stir constantly. The mixture may flip as it gets thicker so use a tall spoon or wear a glove.  Cook until the mixture reaches a firm ball stage on a thermometer or when tested in cold water will stand on your finger.  Take off the heat and add the vanilla.  Pour into a buttered cake pan and cool.  Cut and eat.  If you want to share, wrap the carmel pieces in saran wrap.

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